
Your questions, anwsered

Who are you?

I am a variety streamer on twitch.tv starting on April 16 2013 with Planetside 2.

What is your job?

I am active duty U.S. Air Force specializing in radio communications. I previously spent two years specialized in streaming live content for VIP government officals around the globe.

Why do you stream so early?

I currently stationed in Germany which means I am 6 to 9 hours ahead of typical US-based streamers.

How did you get started in streaming?

To be honest, I am not sure the exact reason but I do remember it had to do something with showing off The Ascended (TAS) Planetside 2 community platoons. My first stream I had 12 viewers watching me leading a TAS platoon obliterate our opposition. Too bad I didn't stick with it, right?

How did you get all of your stream equipment?

I commonly get asked how I managed to buy all of my streaming equipment. There are multiple ways how, but the primary method was simply saving every paycheck and gradually purchasing new and upgraded equipment over a three year peroid. My rule for buying equipment is that I do not pay the typical high prices for newly-released parts. I usually wait for new releases which usually lower prices of the older equipment.

Why do you use six monitors?

Before I started streaming I routinely used two screens for college classes to stop all of the clicking back and forth between windows. I later grew to use a third monitor when I started streaming in order to always have viewer chat, my game, and my broadcasting software always up. I moved to six monitors when I realized I was spending significant amounts of time still tabbing out of the stream to bring up other windows. Other reasons for upgrading are that monitors are now pretty cheap and there weren’t any good four or five display stands that fit what I wanted.

No really, how exactly do you use six monitors?

  • Monitor 1: Broadcast software & performance monitoring tools
  • Monitor 2: Streamed content (what you see on stream)
  • Monitor 3: Twitch chat, chat bots, server console(s)
  • Monitor 4: Streamlabs and Twitch dashboards
  • Monitor 5: Twitter & internet browsing windows
  • Monitor 6: Discord, Curse, TS3, Skype

Why "Mooha"?

One of my all time favorite games with EA's Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, or MOHAA if you use it as a acronym. This name was too generic to use so I changed it around a little to make Mooha.

What games do you stream?

My go-to games are sandbox, survival, simulation, and a limited amount of FPS games. Some of favorite titles are 7 Days to Die, World War 3, PayDay 2, and the Battlefield series.